Hindi Mangal Test Setup

Online Hindi Mangal Typing Test

We developed the Hindi Typing Test to help you gauge your typing speed and accuracy using our typing test software. The objective behind crafting this typing test was to provide you with an online platform where you can undergo a Hindi typing assessment and receive precise and unbiased feedback.

How to use Online Hindi Typing Test(Mangal Font in Ramington Gail Layout)?

Please start by entering your name in the designated box. After providing your name, proceed to the next step to manually select the duration of the Hindi Typing Test, with options available for up to 15 minutes. Following that, choose the difficulty level from the three options: easy, medium, or hard. Once you have configured the test settings, click the "Start" button. Upon clicking, a drop-down window will appear, offering various options, such as displaying your username on the top left, showcasing the remaining time at the top center, and more. In the center of the window, you will find different Hindi words for the typing test. Below these words are options to display real-time result statistics for your test. To initiate the test, click on the box where "Time will start once you start typing" is indicated. This action will prompt you to begin typing the highlighted words, allowing for an assessment of your typing proficiency in Hindi.

Typing Speed Calculation

These formulas are widely recognized as the standard methods for precisely calculating typing speed.

GWPM (Gross Word Per Minute)

Throughout the test, keep track of the total number of words you type. Once the test is completed, note the amount of time it took to finish in minutes. To determine your Gross Speed, divide the total number of words by the time taken in minutes. This Gross Speed is presented as the number of words you can type in a minute, without factoring in any errors or mistakes made during the test. It provides a clear measure of your typing speed.

GWPM Formula

Net Speed (WPM)

Similarly, to calculate Error Rates, use the following formula: subtract the count of correct words from the total number of words typed during the test and then divide the result by the time taken in minutes. Net Speed can be determined by subtracting the errors made per minute from the Gross Speed.

Net Speed Formula

Accuracy (%)

Accuracy is calculated as a percentage using the following formula: divide the count of correct words by the total number of words and then multiply the result by 100. This formula provides the accuracy rate, representing the proportion of correctly typed words to the total words typed, expressed as a percentage.

Accuracy Formula